Wolfi: Building a New Linux (Un)distro
10-27, 09:30–09:55 (Europe/Berlin), Main stage

Chainguard started with a plan to build secure container images. They ended up building a whole new Linux (un)distribution and tooling. Come learn all about Wolfi and why it exists!

This talk will cover:
- The primary use case for Wolfi as a foundation for hardened and up-to-date container images
- Why Chainguard couldn't use Alpine or Debian for our images
- What it means to be an "undistro"
- The line walked by all distributions between keeping up-to-date with software releases and providing stability for users
- Our own tooling (melange) for building packages and apko for building images
- The importance of reproducibility; being able to exactly recreate packages and images
- Using automation to aggressively reduce the cost of package maintenance

Finally we'll talk about our hopes for Wolfi as a community project and how you can get involved!

Adrian has been building containers from the early days of Docker and authored the O’Reilly book “Using Docker” . He is a Technical Community Advocate at Chainguard (chainguard.dev) whose mission is to make the software lifecycle secure by default.